Spring Summer Message in a Bottle Order Form

Ordering by Check, No problem. Simply fill out the form below and mail your check to

DreamWeaver Studios
331 N. Harrington Drive
Fullerton, CA. 928351
Attn:MIB Orders Dept

How Much for one of these unique creations - including taxes, shipping and handling - just $15.99 for the small glass bottles, the wine size glass bottles are just $19.99 includes taxes, shipping and handling too.

Fill out this order form it will be emailed to us, make out your check, send us that in the mail,and when we receive your check we will process your order.

Simply click on the white square next to the Spring - Summer MIB you would like to order, an x will appear this will tell us which MIB you would like and all the particulars.

Want your MIB to arrive on a special day, the only way to guarantee it is by sending it FEDEX, simply put the day you wish to ship it out, in the special instructions form and we will send it out on that day. Want it out today if your order arrives before noon pacific time it will go out that day only FEDEX orders, otherwise it will go out the following day.
Important note - all FEDEX packages require a signature in order for it to be received, someone has to sign for it FEDEX cannot deliver to P.O. BOXES....

Spring MIB - golden suns, colorful flowers, spring grass metallic confetti
Glass Wine size Glass Plastic    How Many?
White Parchment   Gold Parchment  Blue Parchment
Original Message #1
Original Message #2 Happy Day Recipe
Vacation Recipe
Add this to my message please(check here and add message in own message box below)
I will write my own message - Thank you(check here and write your own message below 100 words max)
Fedex overnight delivery my MIB add $20.00 per MIB

Write Message Above.

Fluttering Butterflies MIB - assorted colorful metallic butterfly confetties
Glass Wine size glass Plastic    How Many?
White Parchment   Gold Parchment  Blue Parchment
Original Message #1
Original Message #2  Happy Day Recipe
Vacation Recipe
Add this to my message please(check here and add message in own message box below)
I will write my own message - Thank you(check here and write your own message below 100 words max)
Fedex overnight delivery my MIB add $20.00 per MIB

Write Message above.


Special instructions, Comments....

Total MIBS Ordered? X $15.99 = $ Total
Total MIBS Ordered? X $19.99 = $ Total

Please fill out the form below.
Sender Information - Name, address, city, state and zip

Recipent Information - Name, address, city state and zip
Check here if same as above.
Email Address, we need this so we can email when we put your MIB to sea(in the mail) we hate junk mail and junk email as much as the next person, we are the only ones going to use your email address just to contact you regarding your order.