Please be patient as the order form loads,
this page contains several small graphics that
might take a few seconds to load. Simply move down the order and check
off which items you would like
your MIB to contain. Place your pointer on the white box next to the image
or the words, and click make sure a
a check mark appears in the white box if it doesn't click it again until
you see a a check mark apears in the white box. No check mark means we
will not receive that item to add to your MIB.
This is a very long order form take your time.
Ordering by Check, No problem. Simply fill out the form below and mail
your check to
DreamWeaver Studios
331 N. Harrington Drive
Fullerton, CA. 928351
Attn:MIB Orders Dept
We will process your order as soon as we receive your check,
now lets get to work on Designing your MIB.